Friday, February 27, 2009

What A Quick Week

To me this week just has seemed to fly buy to me. The rest of my co-workers said that the week just took forever but not for me.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Weather In Feb.

Well its time for severe weather in February. Everybody hover around the TV and weather radio and pray that this doesn't go on all night.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Why Sprint Stinks

Well I just returned my Sprint Air Card today. Don't get me wrong it was a great product and worked well, but they are LIARS!!!! They told me I would have unlimited Internet for $59.99. HA..... My bill was for just 3 days and its was for $108 and the unlimited was total bull. I called and asked about it and they told me that it was virtually unlimited, umm a difference between sales rep and customer rep. So I to hell with it and canceled. I now have the Verizon Air Card, it is basically the same costs only they have been up front with me on everything. I can handle little charges if people are up front about it but when you lie and try and screw me over it is not going to happen.