Saturday, February 7, 2009

Troubles With Blogspot

I seems to be having a lot of trouble logging onto Blogspot. I don't know if it is my computer or what, because when I log in either at school or on my phone it works. So it has just become annoying to me I guess.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Yet Another Reason People Over 70 Should Take Yearly Driving Exams

I know I have posted before on this subject, but when something like this happens you have to tell the story to someone else. So today at work a fellow transporter was doing a discharge. He had the person he was discharging outside waiting on their ride to come pick them up. Everything was going normal until a person came up the wrong way in the circle drive. This person was an elderly lady, he told her that she would need to move her car. She was angered by this and when she went to back up; she jumped the curb, mowed down about 3 or 4 plants, ran into a coloum and drove away. That my friends is yet another reason people over 70 should have to take yearly driving exams.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Home Sick

Well the last two days I have had to call in. My son and mother-in-law have passesd the stomach bug to me so I have spent the last two days in the bathroom. No fun at all.