Friday, March 6, 2009

Watching The Watchmen

So as in my previous blog, I wrote about how I was going to go see the movie Watchmen. Well, I saw it, and the movie was freaking awsome!!!! For any fan boys or girls it really does hold pretty true to the original material, and to give you an idea how good it was. I liked it just as much if not more than The Dark Knight. It is rated R for a reason, so anyone planning on taking your kids don't.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


I am really excited, I am going to go watch Watchmen tonight.

Friday, February 27, 2009

What A Quick Week

To me this week just has seemed to fly buy to me. The rest of my co-workers said that the week just took forever but not for me.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Weather In Feb.

Well its time for severe weather in February. Everybody hover around the TV and weather radio and pray that this doesn't go on all night.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Why Sprint Stinks

Well I just returned my Sprint Air Card today. Don't get me wrong it was a great product and worked well, but they are LIARS!!!! They told me I would have unlimited Internet for $59.99. HA..... My bill was for just 3 days and its was for $108 and the unlimited was total bull. I called and asked about it and they told me that it was virtually unlimited, umm a difference between sales rep and customer rep. So I to hell with it and canceled. I now have the Verizon Air Card, it is basically the same costs only they have been up front with me on everything. I can handle little charges if people are up front about it but when you lie and try and screw me over it is not going to happen.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Its Friday

Its Friday its been a crappy week, and its payday so bring on the mexican food and beer. God Bless America, and see everyone tomorrow.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Crazy Week

This week has been a crazy week at work. All of the crazy people have come out of the wood work and starting complaing about stuff. Some of it legit some not so. Anyway just about everyone in my department is about ready to snap because of it, all we can do is laugh about it.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Going Bowling

Going bowling tonight with a men's group tonight. I think that there will be 6 or so people including myself. A guy from work invited me and another co-worker.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Just finished the movie Shooter with Mark Wahlberg. Yeah you know how it ends but it is still a fun movie.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Slow Week

For some reason this week at work has just been really slow. Not a lot of people seem to be going home. So I bet come Friday it will be a mad house.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Troubles With Blogspot

I seems to be having a lot of trouble logging onto Blogspot. I don't know if it is my computer or what, because when I log in either at school or on my phone it works. So it has just become annoying to me I guess.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Yet Another Reason People Over 70 Should Take Yearly Driving Exams

I know I have posted before on this subject, but when something like this happens you have to tell the story to someone else. So today at work a fellow transporter was doing a discharge. He had the person he was discharging outside waiting on their ride to come pick them up. Everything was going normal until a person came up the wrong way in the circle drive. This person was an elderly lady, he told her that she would need to move her car. She was angered by this and when she went to back up; she jumped the curb, mowed down about 3 or 4 plants, ran into a coloum and drove away. That my friends is yet another reason people over 70 should have to take yearly driving exams.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Home Sick

Well the last two days I have had to call in. My son and mother-in-law have passesd the stomach bug to me so I have spent the last two days in the bathroom. No fun at all.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Tax Time

I love tax time. I really do like tax season, mostly because I get bunces of money back. A great perk to having a kid.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

When Tech Fails

I am a big fan of my cell phone, it is a Blackberry Curve 8320, it can do all sorts of things that just make life a little more fun for me. But today it failed me, because just as I get to work today, across the screen flashes SIM CARD REJECTED. At first this did not concern me, because it had happened before. All I had to do to correct it then was pull out the battery and sim card, put it back in and restart my phone then tada it works again. Not the case this time, I pull stuff out, put it back in and nothing. I tried this a few time through out the day and nothing ever changed just the same SIM CARD REJECTED written across the top. So I called T-Mobile and they said my sim card had died and I needed a new one. The good news is that they will not charge me for a new one.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Made It To Work

Well I did it. I was responsible and made my way on the icy roads to work today. Only half of my department showed up, so that left us really short handed and barley functional.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Another Reason Why People Over 70 Should Have To Take Yearly Driving Exams

I work at Cox South Hospital, and I get to see a lot of crazy things. This happened today and reaffirmed to me today why people over 70 should have to take yearly driving exams. So without violating any HIPA guidelines here is the story.

A fellow transporter like myself was taking a discharged patient to their car. He had the patient inside the building in between to sliding glass doors waiting for the patient's spouse to bring the car around. Sitting in front of the door closest to the building was a white car, please remember the car is not moving. We are now watching the patient's spouse bring the car up, this person is about 84 years of age. As they come up the circle drive and get closer to the white car sitting there, it suddenly veers and starts to come towards the glass doors! The person transporting the patient starts waving his arms frantically trying to get the person to stop. The car stopped three feet away from the door. When asked why they swerved and started driving toward the door they responded, "I swerved because that white car pulled out in front of me and I driving inside to pick the person up."

Who in their right mind gave that person a licence? This will just go as proof that anyone over the age of 70 should have to take yearly driving exams.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Good Movie

If anyone is in the need for a good Martial Arts movie, with a really good story line, you should check out Jet Li's Fearless. It is subtitled for those of you who refuse to watch a moive that you have to read.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Passing of a Legend

Since nobody really know who I am and why I am writing about this I will give you a quick background on why. I LIKE COMIC BOOKS. That's why, easy enough I believe.

So on Saturday in between classes I went to my LCS (Local Comicbook Store) to pick up my comics for the week. Knowing fully that the issue was going to be there. The one I had been waiting on for roughly 8 months now. Final Crisis 6 of 7, this issue had two big things going on. Number 1 a big fight between Supergirl and Mary Marvel, and number two the death of the Dark Knight Batman.

So the big fight fight between Supergirl and Mary Marvel kinda disappointing. They threw some heavy punches, Supergirl used her heat vision and blasted Mary two her teammate Captain Marvel Jr. and he finished her off with a magic lighting bolt. So that was just a really big let down.

Next the death of the Dark Knight. DC comics has been teasing for about a year now that they would be killing of Batman. Hard to believe I know. When I had heard this, I thought that they would just have Bruce Wayne stop being Batman. Kind of like what happened in the Knightfall series when Bane broke Batman's back and Jean Paul Valley took up the mantle as Batman for a while. That's not what happened at all.

But before the dramatic end, back story. In a nut shell, Darkseid (yes its spelled right, pronounced Darkside) powerful overlord of the 4th dimension got into a big fight with his son. His son was killed, and so was Darkseid so we thought. Any who things got bad Batman was captured, the worlds ending, and low and behold Darkseid is behind it all. Now the good stuff. So Batman does his thing and gets free, beats up a lot of bad guys to get to Darkseid. They exchange a few words and Batman then says "I made a very solemn vow about firearms, but for you I'm making a once-in-a lifetime exception." For those of you who don't know Batman doesn't kill and does not use guns. So Batman shoots Darkseid with a special bullet full of radion toxin from Darkside's world to kill him. Before Darkseid is shot, he manages to use his Omega Beams. Omega Beams are like Superman's heat vision times a 1000. So with that he kills Batman. Not a this was all a dream death, but as dead as a fictional character gets in comic book world.

I know this won't get as much publicity as Superman's "death" but still for someone who likes comics at all this will be a significant thing. So now we will have to go on without Bruce Wayne being Batman. But the world needs a Batman, so who will it be?